Love, Joy, Peace...
Registration for the 2025 Youth Mission Trip to TN/NC is now open! Deadline to register is Sunday, March 30th. Please fill in all the fields requested below. Thank you!
Volunteer First Name (Required)
Volunteer Last Name (Required)
Volunteer Phone Number (Required)
Emergency Contact First Name (Required)
Emergency Contact Last Name (Required)
Emergency Contact Phone Number (Required)
Volunteer Home Address (Required)
City (Required)
State (Required)
Zipcode (Required)
Volunteer's T-Shirt Size? (Required)
Age of volunteer by June 22 (Required)
Any specific construction/serving skills?
Disclaimer: International Disaster Emergency Service - Volunteer Liability Release Form (Required)
I acknowledge the risks of disaster site deployment and assume all responsibility for and all damages or injuries, that may occur while working with or otherwise participating in any activities or projects sponsored by International Disaster Emergency Service. I release and discharge International Disaster Emergency Service, their employees and agents, and all others associated with them from all claims, demands, right or causes of action, present or future, whether known, anticipated, or unanticipated, and resulting from or arising out of, or incident to my participation in activities of International Disaster Emergency Service or use of their facilities or equipment.
Check here to show you accept the terms stated above for yourself or for a minor volunteer for which you are the parent.
Parent / Adult Volunteer Signature (Required)
This serves as a digital signature that you are giving your student permission to attend this summer's mission trip and to allow the information given on this form to be entered and submitted into the IDES volunteer online platform. (sign below)
Volunteer Commitment -- I am aware that after the March 30th deadline, if I or my student chooses to no longer attend the mission trip, I am responsible to pay the non-refundable cost of the trip (up to $250). (Required)
Please check the box to acknowledge your commitment